Friday, June 20, 2008

May I

Have you ever take a bow?
At a place where all gathers to watch a good show, all because of You Are You, my dear one.
In the old Broadway show, it used to named a few and ending with uprising hand shakes , no one disgrace the front screen, how about the back stage? I truly wonder have you ever wishes after a few VIPs of enter the rear front to shoot a few shoots, did you ever truly meet the grip of Hola of the whole some charaterestical Artists of Men and women , who share sweats of body movements along from the end toward beginning.
I think it's a pure appreciation during those War time, Where is thy truly birdy song all gone?
I miss all those missing tune
How can I ever see you again?
You are more than the eyes in my eye balls above the sky.
say merry merry gay(gate)
Not a homosexual word for old timer.

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